Home > Course Development Report

This report contains all of the "Recipe for Success" responses you have submitted with your email address. These responses cannot be edited, but you can re-submit a response, replacing an old response.

Introduction Module Reponses:

Identify one course that you are considering teaching via distance education. Write a brief description of the course in the space below. (Resubmit)

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 What would be the advantages and disadvantages you see in adapting the course for distance education dissemination? Make a list.




How would you overcome the disadvantages?

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Design Module Responses:

Determine how one of the classes you teach could be best adapted for delivery via distance education technologies. Conduct a mini-needs assessment. What is the "need"for the course? (From design.htm)

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Write one goal statement and two to three objective statements that you would want your audience to learn.

Goal: Individual Answers go here - indented if possible with black text

 Objective 1: Individual Answers go here - indented if possible with black text

 Objective 2: Individual Answers go here - indented if possible with black text

 Objective 3: Individual Answers go here - indented if possible with black text

(From learners.htm)

Who is the audience for your program?

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 List some of the audience members' characteristics.

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(From content.htm)

What overall message/content do you want to present? .

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(From media.htm)

What teaching methods would you use?

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 Which medium/technology would be most appropriate to disseminate the content?

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(From assess.htm)

How would you assess student work? List student assessment methods you could use in your distance education class.

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(From evaluate.htm)

How would you evaluate your distance education course? On what criteria would you base that a course was "successful"?

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Write a short formative evaluation for your students to complete. Which elements most interest you in this type of evaluation early in a semester?

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Write a short summative evaluation for your students to complete. Which elements most interest you as you contemplate revising the course?

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Development Module Responses:

(From tech5.htm)

With the primary technology you're planning to use for your distance education course, list some interactive strategies you could use to involve students.

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Using the secondary technologies you've determined, list some interactive strategies you could use with these technologies.

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(From tech6.htm)

Based on these technology descriptions, make a list of the technologies that you envision using in your course. Which would be the technology you would use for primary distribution of instruction? Which technologies would be used for supplemental purposes and how?

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 Which would be the technology you would use for primary distribution of instruction?

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 Which technologies would be used for supplemental purposes and how?

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Production Module Responses:

(From team.htm)

Who will be your team members? Make a list of the team members who might help you with your distance education course.

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 Which would be the technology you would use for primary distribution of instruction?

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 Which technologies would be used for supplemental purposes and how?

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(From market.htm)

What are some ways you could get out the word to your audience? Be as specific as possible. List such items as the names of magazines that reach your target audience, persons you could contact directly, and media you could use.

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