Videotape and Videoconferencing

Present a concept on videotape, with built in pauses, and ask the students to turn off the machine to complete the assignment before returning to the videotape for a follow-up.
Dr. Elaine Turner notes that videotape courses are often a "low-maintenance" type of distance education delivery method.  Learn more...

Many students also prefer the flexiblility of videotape courses.  Watch Video

1) Arrange small group activities, such as role playing an issue or planning a debate, at local sites before asking groups to respond via the videoconferencing system to all sites. You may determine if a sample of responses is sufficient or if each group needs to respond to the larger group.

2) Conduct a question and answer session with students at various sites. Remember to allot more time than you think you will need. Students will have to unmute the microphone and then push the microphone button.

Learn why videoconferencing is the medium of choice for some distance education instructors who use discussion as a significant part of their instruction.  Hear Dr. Marshall Breeze.

Hear why Dr. Dori Comer feels Including videoconferencing in a distance education course also allows for increased interaction.  Watch Video

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