Web-based Technologies: Online Discussion

Online "Discussion" Methods: Bulletin Boards, Chat Sessions
How do you or how would you use chat sessions to enhance instruction? 
  • Dr. Mickie Swisher discusses why chat is critical to a Web-based course.  Watch Video 

  • Here's how Dr. Rick Rudd organizes his chat sessions.  Watch Video 

  • Swisher discusses how she starts a class chat session.. Hear more. 

  • Dr. Dori Comer discusses one of the "downsides" to chat.  Watch Video

  • How do you keep a chat focused on your discussion topic? Here's how Rudd keeps his class on-target.  Hear more.

Electronic mail
Develop a short summative evaluation and e-mail it to your students halfway through the semester. Encourage students to return the evaluation by e-mail.
E-mail sometimes is not thought about as a distance education delivery method. Dr. John Zenger sees e-mail as the most effective of electronic communication.  Hear more.

With the primary technology you're planning to use for your distance education course, list some interactive strategies you could use to involve students.(Print a .pdf of this section's questions .)


 Using the secondary technologies you've determined, list some interactive strategies you could use with these technologies.



Go on to Which Technology is Best for You?

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