Distance Education Course Proposal Form

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Proposal forms are due at the beginning of the semester one year before the semester in which you propose to teach the course. Please fill out this form and mail or fax to the Associate Dean for Academic Programs at 2014 McCarty Hall, PO Box 110270, Gainesville, FL 32611. FAX: (352) 392-8988


Name: ________________________________________________________________________

Department: _________________________________________________________________________

Title and Course Number: _______________________________________________________________

Prerequisites: _________________________________________________________________________

Semester and Year Proposed for Course Delivery:  F__ Sp__ Su__ Yr______

Are you requesting funds? from Dept._____ from Dean_____

If funds requested, for what purpose?(check all that apply) TA__ Media__ Instr. Design__

Other (specify) _________________________________________________________________

Primary teaching method: Lecture__ Discussion__ Learner-based__ Other (specify)____________

Proposed method of delivery (check all that apply): Web__ Videotape__ Videoconference__

Target student base: ___________________________________________________________________

Existing or proposed multimedia materials (e.g. PowerPoint, video, slides): _____________________________________________________________________



Approval of Department Chair ______________________________

Approval of Curriculum Coordinator _________________________

Approval of Dean __________________________________________

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