Types of Course Interaction

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Types of Interaction
The following are three types of instructional-based interactions. Each one should be considered when developing a course. Examples of teaching methods that can be used in a distance education environment to encourage that type of interaction are provided after each description.
Star Bullet Learner-instructor -- Involves presentation of information to students and the students' responses to the information. Examples: Lectures, question and answer, brainstorming activities, case studies, celebrity guests, and interviews.

Star Bullet Learner-learner -- Occurs when the instructor provides opportunities for students to work together in small or large groups. Examples: Cooperative learning projects, debates, role-playing, and panel discussions.

Star Bullet Learner-content -- Occurs when students reflect on and interact with the ideas and concepts presented in the content. Examples: Individual projects, homework assignments, interviews and surveys, and computer-assisted instruction.


Teaching Points Find out how an instructor used discussion in his videoconference class to encourage learner-instructor and learner-learner interaction. 

Hear Dr. Marshall Breeze explaing how he leads discussion in a videoconferencing course, then see a discussion in action   
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(57 sec.)

In this example, Breeze says he tries to get students to answer their own questions which makes the class more interesting and deepens their understanding of the information.
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Watch Video of classroom interaction
(3 min.)

Develop strategies for student reinforcement and feedback. In a videoconference class, use several minutes at the beginning of class to review material from the previous week, and use electronic mail as a reinforcement tool. For a Web-based or WebCT course, you may include materials that reinforce content you've gone over.

Teaching Points For a web-based course, Dr. Elaine Turner suggests that during the course development stage you plan how you will interact with your students. 

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